No squirt guns or reusable water balloons.
If the rules are not followed you will be asked to leave the pool.
Every member, including board members are to check in at the gate and provide names of each person entering the pool each time.
Guests are permitted only 2 times, must be with a member and pay $10 guest fee.
If you do not follow guest policy you risk loss of membership with no refund.
Listen to the life guards. Do not ignore them or talk back to them. They are not babysitters.
The lifeguards are expected to set a good example and enforce the rules set by the board.
The Lifeguards are the Board safety Ambassadors!
You are responsible for watching your child. Floaties, or any other swimming assist is not a replacement for watching your children. Not watching your child or guests will result in Membership Termination. Please keep in mind that the lifeguards are not babysitters, and will not be held responsible for watching your child.
Baby pool is for children 6 and under or at the lifeguards discretion. Each child in the baby pool must have an adult with them sitting at the baby pool the entire time.
Children left unattended will result in loss of membership with NO refund
ALL smoking/vaping is to be done outside of the fence of the pool.
Thank You!
Each guest is $10 and is only permitted 2 times per month (no matter who they come with)
Guests are $10 per visit per person
The membership that the guest is signed in under is responsible for the actions of their guests. Please make sure rules are reviewed with our guests before entering the pool.
Failure to follow this rule will result in loss of membership with no refund!
No glass is permitted at the pool, in the pool, around the pool. You will be asked to remove glass from the premises immediately. This is a danger to all members and requires the pool to be drained if broken.
Proper Swim Attire Must be Worn in the Pool - NO Thongs Allowed at the pool
Treehaven is a family environment and will be run as such.
No street clothes permitted to be worn in the pool at any time.
No horseplay, running, cussing, vaping, smoking, or harassing other members or guards.
Lifeguards are to blow the whistle at anyone needing corrective action at Treehaven. Lifeguards also have the authority to direct some to leave the property at any time due to behavior issues. Lifeguards are NOT babysitters.
Watch and discipline your kids!
Lifeguards have the right to bench or dismiss someone from the pool, member or guest with no reimbursement.
Even if a parent is at the pool, if the lifeguard has to discipline them because you are not, you will be asked to leave. We will not be dealing with repeat offenders this year.
If your child is no following the rules, they will be benched and if they continue to do these things they will be asked to leave, and suspended from the pool.
NO refund will be given.
Due to insurance liability and safety concerns for our members no devices that bind the arms and legs to move freely are permitted on the premises. This includes having apparel or any items on the pool deck/ within the Treehaven fence. Examples of these items are: Mermaid tails or feet of any kind, butterfly wings that bind the arms, or anything of the like. The board has agreed on this unanimously.
If under 12 years old - not permitted without an adult on membership.
12 year old + - at the pool and has to be disciplined by the lifeguards they lose their privilege of coming to the pool without an adult for the rest of the season.
Children and Adults that are not able to swim across the pool without a float device is not permitted in the deep end. This includes going off of the diving board. We now have yellow line on the sidewalk to ensure you know where the deep begins.
All Members are to check in with gate worker every time arriving at pool.
Due to an influx in members (whoohoo!) there will be no rafts at the pool this year. Pool noodles and child floatation devices are allowed.
Everyone must exit the pool immediately for 30 minutes that will be tracked by the lifeguard on duty.
No exceptions.
When the pool is busy, please no children reserving lounge chairs. Please be courteous to each other during busy times by sharing space.
Treehaven Swim Club
110 Lantern Lane, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 15001, United States